Monday, September 28, 2009

2009 Winners

Footbike First Place -
Chris Cox

Run/Walk 1st Place Overall -
Michelle Simonaitis

Run/Walk 2nd Place Overall -
Daniel Sanchez

Run/Walk 3rd Place Overall -
Trevor Bingham (Grandson of John D. Hawkes)

Race Results

Thank you to all who participated in the race. It was a great success.

Complete Race Results.

First NameLast NameBid NumberRace Time
Mat Grensides1084512:41


First Name Last Name Bid Number Race Time
Michelle Simonaitis 10904 18:24:00
Daniel Sanchez 10822 20:36:00
Trevor Bingham 10826 21:56:00
Joe Hansen 10906 22:05:00
Brian Fries 10829 24:16:00
Zach Drury 10900 24:19:00
James Anderson 10851 24:23:00
Ashton Hollingsworth 10899 24:25:00
Maggie Smith 10907 24:40:00
Angela Sharer 10901 24:54:00
Steve Hills 10835 24:56:00
Katrina Smithee 10847 25:43:00
Craig Peck 10881 25:46:00
Joshua Peck 10879 25:53:00
Katrina Joseph 10898 25:58:00
John Bass 10872 26:19:00
Ashley Christansen 10915 26:22:00
Trevor Roesbery 10865 26:30:00
Curtis Nelson 10894 26:38:00
Colin Stubbs 10863 26:40:00
Emily Johnnson 10896 26:45:00
Kandi Rasmussen 10887 27:26:00
Gavin Drury 10902 27:32:00
Joe Hawkes 10897 27:38:00
Michele Taylor 10814 27:40:00
Jamie Hartman 10816 27:40:00
Camie Drury 10903 27:42:00
Joe Fullmer 10827 27:44:00
Renzo Trujillo 10828 27:45:00
Thompson 10804 27:47:00
Melody Anderson 10857 27:51:00
Sandra Hadlock 10819 28:02:00
Pauline Higgins 10895 28:04:00
Shauna Watts 10911 28:47:00
Matt Bates 10884 29:10:00
Matt Christensen 10833 29:21:00
Laura Madsen 10839 29:25:00
Alan Thompson 10882 30:08:00
Susan Fischer 10917 30:14:00
Marian Hawley 10843 30:34:00
Shelly Coray 10830 30:43:00
Sheri Whiting 10836 30:44:00
Jeffrey Fischer 10916 30:50:00
Michelle Drury 10870 30:52:00
Linda Bass 10873 31:01:00
Sharon Cahoon-Metzger 10838 31:05:00
Melissa Hills 10834 31:06:00
Jessica Nelson 10905 31:13:00
Nellie Lingwall 10913 31:15:00
Mariann Thomas 10871 31:23:00
Robert Bailey 10812 31:29:00
Stacy Lapuaho 10877 31:37:00
LeeAnn Mason 10869 31:59:00
Tiffany Robinson 10823 32:16:00
Carrie Finn 10832 32:27:00
Julie Halladay 10875 32:43:00
Jared Davis 10844 32:56:00
Dave Rasmussen 10831 33:19:00
Treasa Long 10867 33:23:00
Ron Nelson 10893 33:26:00
Hilary Carrillo 10870 33:38:00
Heidi Raso 10820 33:38:00
LuAnn Hills 10840 34:20:00
Jen Pearson 10837 34:46:00
Joan Newell 10808 35:09:00
Pamela Taylor 10815 36:12:00
Hailey Peck 10878 37:39:00
Trisha Peck 10880 38:14:00
Tammy Thompson 10883 38:31:00
Cristie North 10811 38:35:00
Celste Anderson 10852 38:48:00
Bekha Anderson 10850 39:30:00
J D Elg 10854 39:40:00
Rich Rosa 10813 40:12:00
Thompson 10805 40:12:00
Sylinda Lee 10908 41:54:00
Jordan Ostmark 10860 43:16:00
Nicole Ostmark 10859 43:17:00
Niki Pela 10876 43:42:00
Lauren Roesbery 10864 44:52:00
Tammy Ostmark 10861 45:15:00
Charlene Roesbery 10866 45:15:00
Brad Elliot 10891 46:48:00
Alison Elliot 10892 46:48:00
Michelle Bates 10914 48:57:00
Deb Mraz 10889 49:00:00
Kay Roesbery 10856 49:20:00
Tom Mraz 10888 49:25:00
Troy Ostmark 10862 49:28:00
Tiffany Ostmark 10858 49:28:00
Mike Mojica 10912 49:41:00
Wendy Miyake 10868 49:43:00
Sandra Tomlin 10818 49:43:00
Camber Brackett 10817 56:08:00
Partricia Renzo 10824 56:09:00
Lisa Elg 10853 56:55:00
Kae Hawkes 10874 56:57:00

We had one bid that did not have a name for. If you wore bib #10825 your time was 29:34:00. Please email us your name and age, so we can update our information.

Men's Results By Age

First Name Last Name Bid Number Race Time
8 & Under

Gavin Drury 10902 27:32:00
Jarron Thompson 10805 40:12:00
Age 9 -13

Trevor Bingham 10826 21:56
Joshua Peck 10879 25:53:00
John Bass 10872 26:19:00
Tyson Bingham * *
Age 14-19

James Anderson 10851 24:23:00
Curtis Nelson 10894 26:38:00
Renzo Trujillo 10828 27:45:00
J D Elg 10854 39:40:00
Jordan Ostmark 10860 43:16:00

Daniel Sanchez 10822 20:36
Zach Drury 10900 24:19:00
Trevor Roesbery 10865 26:30:00
Colin Stubbs 10863 26:40:00
Joe Hawkes 10897 27:38:00
Jared Davis 10844 32:56:00
Dave Rasmussen 10831 33:19:00
Dean Rosa 10807 *
Joe Grensides 10885 *

Brian Fries 10829 24:16:00
Steve Hills 10835 24:56:00
Craig Peck 10881 25:46:00
Joe Fullmer 10827 27:44:00
Matt Bates 10884 29:10:00
Matt Christensen 10833 29:21:00
Alan Thompson 10882 30:08:00
Jeffrey Fischer 10916 30:50:00
Robert Bailey 10812 31:29:00
Brad Elliot 10891 46:48:00
Jared Trevino 10918 *
Lance Paulson 10842 *

Joe Hansen 10906 22:05
Troy Ostmark 10862 49:28:00
Mike Mojica 10912 49:41:00
Duane Elg 10855 *

Ron Nelson 10893 33:26:00
Rich Rosa 10813 40:12:00
Tom Mraz 10888 49:25:00
* Did not complete the race

Women's Results By Age
First Name Last Name Bid Number Race Time
Age 9-13

Hailey Peck 10878 37:39:00
Bekha Anderson 10850 39:30:00
Nicole Ostmark 10859 43:17:00
Age 14-19

Michele Taylor 10814 27:40:00
Celste Anderson 10852 38:48:00
Tiffany Ostmark 10858 49:28:00

Ashton Hollingsworth 10899 24:25:00
Katrina Smithee 10847 25:43:00
Ashley Christansen 10915 26:22:00
Jamie Hartman 10816 27:40:00
Camie Drury 10903 27:42:00
Shae Thompson 10804 27:47:00
Melody Anderson 10857 27:51:00
Sandra Hadlock 10819 28:02:00
Laura Madsen 10839 29:25:00
Melissa Hills 10834 31:06:00
Jessica Nelson 10905 31:13:00
Mariann Thomas 10871 31:23:00
Tiffany Robinson 10823 32:16:00
Carrie Finn 10832 32:27:00
Treasa Long 10867 33:23:00
Hilary Carrillo 10870 33:38:00
Lauren Roesbery 10864 44:52:00
Michelle Bates 10914 48:57:00
Alisa Houmand 10821 *
Andra Grensides 10886 *

Maggie Smith 10907 24:40:00
Angela Sharer 10901 24:54:00
Emily Johnnson 10896 26:45:00
Susan Fischer 10917 30:14:00
Shelly Coray 10830 30:43:00
Sheri Whiting 10836 30:44:00
Michelle Drury 10870 30:52:00
Nellie Lingwall 10913 31:15:00
Stacy Lapuaho 10877 31:37:00
LeeAnn Mason 10869 31:59:00
Julie Halladay 10875 32:43:00
Jen Pearson 10837 34:46:00
Trisha Peck 10880 38:14:00
Tammy Thompson 10883 38:31:00
Cristie North 10811 38:35:00
Sylinda Lee 10908 41:54:00
Niki Pela 10876 43:42:00
Wendy Miyake 10868 49:43:00
Sandra Tomlin 10818 49:43:00
Camber Brackett 10817 56:08:00
Partricia Renzo 10824 56:09:00
Trinity Paulson 10841 *

Michelle Simonaitis 10904 18:24
Katrina Joseph 10898 25:58:00
Shauna Watts 10911 28:47:00
Marian Hawley 10843 30:34:00
Linda Bass 10873 31:01:00
Sharon Cahoon-Metzger 10838 31:05:00
Heidi Raso 10820 33:38:00
LuAnn Hills 10840 34:20:00
Joan Newell 10808 35:09:00
Tammy Ostmark 10861 45:15:00
Alison Elliot 10892 46:48:00
Lisa Elg 10853 56:55:00
Tammy Jones 10809 *

Kandi Rasmussen 10887 27:26:00
Pamela Taylor 10815 36:12:00
Charlene Roesbery 10866 45:15:00
Deb Mraz 10889 49:00:00
Lynn Snell 10806 *
Marie Halpin 10890 *
60 & Over

Pauline Higgins 10895 28:04:00
Kay Roesbery 10856 49:20:00
Kae Hawkes 10874 56:57:00
* Did not complete the race

Friday, September 25, 2009

On line registration now closed

Our online registration is now closed. Thanks to all those who used our online registration. If you are not yet registered, you can join us at the race between 7:00-7:30 for same day registration. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Still Time to Register.

There is still time to register for the race. Online registration ($15)is open until 9-24-09 or you can show up the day of the race and register($20). Tell all your friends and family. Help us Find Freedom by finding a cure for Parkinson's

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Raffle Prizes

This year we have some great raffle prizes from many local businesses. Each participant of the race will be given one raffle ticket with their registration. You will also be able to purchase additional raffle tickets for $5.00 each. All the money raised from this event goes to the Utah Chapter of the American Parkinson's disease Foundation. So plan on bringing some extra money to spend on a chance to win some great prizes. Help us Find Freedome and find a cure for Parkinson's.